EFT and Disordered Eating

Whether you are stuck in an endless dieting cycle or you are living with an eating disorder, tapping can help you to overcome unwanted patterns of behaviour, deal with uncomfortable emotions and thoughts and set yourself free.

What is Disordered Eating?

Disordered Eating may include symptoms and behaviours of eating disorders but aren’t as frequent or severe. The amount of people who struggle with disordered eating isn’t really known as a lot of it is considered socially acceptable & even encouraged: Chronic Dieting is a prime example of something that is normalised promoter and celebrated.

Restrictive eating

- when you purposely avoid eating certain foods or food groups

Compulsive or binge eating

- when you eat on impulse or consume a lot of food in one go

Irregular or inflexible eating patterns - feeling stressed or anxious if you can't adhere to them

Skipping meals/ Fasting/going on cleanses - for the purposes to lose weight or control your food intake

Self-induced vomiting or laxative misuse

Using diet pills, meal replacement shakes  or drinking skinny teas/coffees

Becoming obsessed with being healthy or having the perfect diet

Choosing to be veggie/vegan in order to lose weight and purposely restrict food

If you read the above and thought, “I’ve done one of these does this mean I have a problem!?”

Take a breath and remember: A lot of disordered eating is actively encouraged so it can be very hard to find a definition of “normal eating”.

The question to ask is: “ are your eating patterns / preoccupation with food getting in the way of you living your life the way you want to?”

"I haven't binged in nearly 3 months"


If you are ready to take the next step in rediscovering who you really are without preoccupations around food, weight and your body image then get in touch.   

Book a Free Call

How can EFT Tapping help with Eating Disorders?

  • Relieves stress and anxiety related to disordered behaviour and recovery
  • Combats food fears and phobias
  • Manages fear of weight/weight gain
  • Can reduce and eliminate the urge to binge
  • Overcomes fear of eating in front of others
  • Reduces cravings by up to 74%
  • Addresses body image dissatisfaction
  • Acts as an alternative coping mechanism to uncomfortable feelings and emotions
  • Increases mental wellbeing
  • Manages and improves exercise addiction
  • Helps to increase desire for nutritious food and drinks
  • Can help to deal with pre-existing trauma or negative experiences that may have contributed to a negative relationship with food
  • Can be used to combat and work with the anorexic voice

Want to hear more?

Head to the Full of Beans Podcast where I'm interviewed by Hannah Higginbotham as we talk all about EFT and Eating Disorders.

Listen to the podcast

Here's an example of how you can use EFT Tapping:

How do you do EFT Tapping?


Rate your issue/feeling/emotion from 0-10

(10 = the most distressing)


Begin to tap on the side of the hand. Use a set up phrase x3 "even though I have this *issue/feeling emotion* I acknowledge how I'm feeling"


Tap through the points using a 'reminder phrase'

i.e. "my anxiety"


Take a breath in and out. Re-rate and then repeat step 3 until you are at a 0 or a 1

Client Testimonial

"When I started working 1:1 with Emily, I felt lost, overwhelmed and a little broken, trapped in a cycle of binge eating and self criticism.

 Emily is so kind and just made it so easy to open up. She is very knowledgable about disordered eating and is an amazing listener.

She was able to help me untangle some very complex feelings and learn to be more accepting of myself.

I have learnt many strategies in overcoming binge eating, and can now proudly say I have not binged in nearly 3 months.

Thank you so much Emily, you have really helped me to turn things around and I feel positive and hopeful about the future for the first time in a long time."

Imagine your life in a few months time...


You can nourish your body in a way that feels good.

Food doesn't control your decisions and keep you playing small.

You are free from crippling anxiety and are more involved in your life.

You feel more confident and at peace with your body.

You are kinder to yourself and can treat yourself with compassion.

You have a whole new range of coping mechanisms that support you in living the life you have always wanted to live.

You are excited about the future.

Are you ready to start?
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